Accreditation Certificate Presentation Ceremony for Atatürk University Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Engineering Program accredited by ZİDEK was HeldDORUK İLGAZ2023-12-28T11:45:17+03:00
ZİDEK Became an Associated Partner of “Sustainable Rural Regions through Women Social Agripreneurship and Social Farming (SOFAR)” Erasmus+ ProjectDORUK İLGAZ2024-07-26T12:24:53+03:00
Prof. Dr. Gökhan SÖYLEMEZOĞLU Attended the Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Education Council Meeting that was held on 30 November 2023DORUK İLGAZ2023-12-05T16:36:22+03:00
ZİDEK Executive Board Chair Prof. Dr. Gökhan SÖYLEMEZOĞLU, participated in Dicle University 1st International Post Graduate Researches in Sciences Symposium (DUFEBLAS-2023) held on 19-20 October 2023 as a Guest Speaker.DORUK İLGAZ2023-10-23T10:32:10+03:00